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Teacher of the Year and Surfing

Recently my career has felt like surfing. Before I became an NBCT I felt like I was always trying to fight the breakers. Waves of apathy, burn-out, difficult kids, desperate families, negative peers or situations. I was always struggling to maintain my “spark.” My “verve” my personal “it.” I knew if I could get past the breakers I could catch a wave and ride it.
Now, since my NBCT certificate, I feel like I finally broke past the breakers on the shore. It didn’t happen immediately. I had to keep struggling for a while. Then, when I felt like I was going to get sucked back onto the shore, I dug down deep and came up with a very simple phrase that has given me the strength to keep paddling, know matter what.
I became Relentlessly Positive.
You may rememebr the post. But, since that time. I know I will not go back. I can see the waves, and not only the waves, but the whole ocean of education, filled with other teachers like me. Trying to make a difference and get out past the breakers. There are a lot of them on the Teacher Leaders Network. There are even some in my school division. I am surrounded by surfers.
I am out able to see waves coming. I can see past the breakers to the waves of opportunity. Today I was given just such an opportunity.
I was honored to find out I have been chosen as teacher of the year at Carver. I sincerely appreciate the support of my colleagues. I know that this is a strange year at my school because so many teachers are leaving next year. The only team that will stay together is the PK team. Every other grade level will lose 1-4 teachers. I really hope this will help me gain some credibility with my peers in the upper grades so that we can begin building a culture of change and support.

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