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Childhood Fading Inside

Hopscotch The playground can be an almost mythical place in our childhood
memories. On the playground friendships are forged and broken and mended
again (usually stronger). Rapidly beating hearts jump from taboo shocks
as mouths mutter words they shouldn't. Games are learned that help kids
find the edge of fear, frustration, and anger, all with the knowledge
that everyone will be saved by the bell.
course, there are trials too. Bullies occasionally use the playground as
a sparring ring. Sometimes, those bullies even serve a useful purpose,
helping to make us stronger, learn that not everyone is our friend, or
just bruise less easily. Most of all, on the playground legends are
told, and retold, heroes and villains are born. Monsters, rotten eggs,
and "it" lives eternal. On the blacktop, the most basic of survival
skills like avoiding conflict,
knowing when to say no, and figuring out who you can trust  are practiced within a pocket of time
and space, and with the safety net of a watchful adult.
how it used to be. According to noted paladin for play, David Elkind, the playground isn't
magical any more. In a New York Times Op-Ed Sunday, Elkind
described a new educational position that is gaining support through an
$18 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The position
of "recess coach" is spreading across the
country. A recess coach is charged with being a caring adult who helps
kids learn and play on the school playground. Elkind, who has long
fought for the protection of unstructured play time for kids is actually
supporting the new position because, as he says, "recess coaching is a
vastly better solution than eliminating recess in favor of more

I tend to agree with Dr. Elkind. Many
schools continue to react to the current No Child Left Behind law by limiting time kids play
 during a time when they need it most. Saturated with
computers, television and video games, many of our kids these days
don't learn how to play. We must teach them tag, hopscotch, and double
dutch, (you should see me trying to model that one) and let them know
it's okay to draw on the pavement with sidewalk chalk. What do you
think? Is teaching children to play robbing them of their first taste of
independence or is it an integral part of molding them into
economically viable citizens?


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