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This list from the NEA site is about a policy summit in North Carolina.
It was a group of NBCTs in partnership with the Center for Teacher Quality.

1. Ensure that all administrators will use the skills and knowledge of NBCTs and other accomplished teachers
2. Create opportunities for all teachers to teach effectively in high-needs schools
3. Develop NBCTs as leaders for high-needs schools
4. Create an array of incentives to attract NBCTs and other accomplished teachers to high-needs schools
5. Create the conditions to develop NBCTs inside of high-needs schools
6. Build awareness among policy makers, practitioners, and the public about the importance of National Board Certification in the service of high-needs schools.

Sounds good but, how do we get to the point where the teachers who are actually teaching in at-risk schools have the skills necessary to become a teacher leader or NBCT.
Many of my colleagues turn down the idea because they don’t want to do the work involved with becomeing a NBCT because the effort for them would be som much more compared to their counterpart in a more reasonable situation.

Can we increase the number of teacher leaders in america through a very simple act in pre-service institutions? Can we expect, teach, and require, high level reflection by student teacehrs before they can enter the profession? What if you actually had to know how to write before you became certified? Atleast that part of being a voice at the policy table would met before the teachers hit the streets.

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