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Become Sam's New Friend

This year turned out to be a pretty good year for pre-k. Even though a
number of programs have faced budget cuts, the majority of states
who already have pre-k programs have maintained or strengthened their services this year. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,served as a "down payment" on the president's early education plan and the Early Learning Challenge Grants
were included in the fiscal year 2010 education budget.

You can help
make 2010 a pre-k turning point and keep funding for high quality
programs strong by becoming a pre-k advocate. By registering with Pre-K Now you will be informed of upcoming state and national pre-k bills,
pre-k news, and networking opportunities that connect you with other
advocates in your state and around the country. Please take a moment to
register yourself as a Pre-K Now advocate at the
website. The future is up to you – as a constituent your voice is
important to many policy makers, because it is closer to home. Register
by December 31st and help us reach our goal of 2010 new friends for Sam and pre-k.

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